Lauren is one of the earliest HerUpland supporters and a huge inspiration for how we’ve designed our programs. We met her at Grouse camp a couple years ago, where she fired a gun for the first time. As you’ll read, life has changed significantly for Lauren lately. We hope to see Lauren getting after it this season, whatever that looks like now.

1. Describe a typical day in your life
I work from home as a product manager of some credit scoring models, and am an exercise/outdoor enthusiast. I have recently had some health issues that have impacted my day to day life heavily, namely I was diagnosed with brain cancer. I had surgery to remove the tumor in March, and since then I have been going through chemo and radiation treatments. During my surgery they think I had a stroke because I woke up with a lot of left side weakness, and no movement or use of my left arm or hand. So, I have been on short term disability from work and my day to day life revolves around getting treatments, recovering from treatments, walking to rebuild my strength and stamina, and doing PT and OT to try to strengthen my left side weaknesses, and most importantly, working to gain use of my left arm and hand again.

2. Which HerUpland Event(s) have you attended, and what did you enjoy most about the event(s)?
I have attended grouse camp in MT both years (2021 and 2022), and pointing dog training camp in MT in 2022. All of the events I have attended have been pretty impactful for me. I got my bird dog to be my running partner but quickly realized that she needed to hunt. I had never been exposed to or interested in the hunting world much, so the first grouse camp I attended was pretty eye opening. I had never held or shot a shotgun before that camp. Each of the camps I have attended have continued to teach me a ton, and raise my confidence in this previously foreign world of upland hunting. Its also just powerful to be around a group of strong, like-minded women. My friends do not hunt and are borderline averse to it, so these camps have helped me connect to women who I can actually talk about my new found passion with.

3. What’s your Bird Dog Breed of choice, and why?
German Wirehaired Pointer (GWP). They’re just the right amount of crazy for me, porcupines and all. I just can’t get enough of the beards and antics. I think at this point, I would be bored to go to a breed with less drive/independence.

4. Name one thing you’d like to accomplish with your dog in the next year.
I had intentions to (and was signed up to) test Isla in NAVHDA UT this summer, but with my left arm, surgery, and treatments, this was not possible. Now, my goal is simply to be able to hunt with her this fall. I’m not sure if I will be able to operate a gun yet due to my left arm, but even if I can walk along with my husband and my dog I would consider it a success.

5. What is your favorite upland or bird dog product on the market right now?
I would say my Final Rise vest. Some of our hunts for duskies in the mountains of MT can take us 12-14+ miles, and this vest has the water carrying capacity needed for my dog and I for these hunts. Speaking of water, as a bonus product/tip- I ALWAYS carry this water filter bottle if I am ever going deeper in the backcountry running, hiking, or hunting. It’s collapsible and easy to pack, does not take up too much space, and is extremely light. And you don’t have to wait for it to work like you do iodine tabs, so you have drinkable water immediately vs. waiting 30 minutes. If you’re dehydrated, that can make a large difference. Plus if your water source isn’t ideal, it filters out the gunk (although I still wouldn’t drink super scummy water). You can use this to refill your water bladder at a water source by filling the filter water bottle and dumping it in. For the record, I still carry iodine tabs in case this system breaks (has never for me).