Amelia is a youth HerUpland member with a fire for life. We met Amelia at HerUpland’s 2022 Forest Grouse Camp in Greenough, MT. She and her mom, Carrie, came up from the Salt Lake City area to spend 4 incredible days learning and hunting with other women. Amelia’s joy and exuberance was an inspiration to all. We can’t wait to see Amelia and Carrie again at future HerUpland events!

1. Describe a typical day in your life
A typical weekday would consist of me waking up and getting ready for school. I walk to school with my friends, and we talk on the way there. I go through all my classes, my favorite being English or choir, then go to track practice. When I get home, I do my chores, play with my dog (Rio), and do any homework. Then I practice my violin. I’ll usually check my grades, then relax with my family until dinner. After that, we usually hang out a bit more, then get ready for bed.

2. Which HerUpland Event(s) have you attended, and what did you enjoy most about the event(s)?
I attended the 2022 Mountain Grouse Camp as a youth. My favorite thing about this event was the sense of community among the women there. I am a huge advocate for gender equality, especially pertaining to hunting, which is why I jumped at the opportunity to attend this camp.

3. What’s your Bird Dog Breed of choice, and why?
My dog breed of choice is a Pudelpointer. My two-year-old Pudelpointer Rio has been a crucial part of our hunting and personal lives since we got her. My favorite thing about the Pudelpointer breed is that they are so friendly and usually calm at home, but have great hunting instinct and training potential because they always want to learn. In addition, the Pudel in her makes her hypoallergenic, which is great because I have pet allergies. She is so focused and wants to do her best for us!

4. Name one thing you’d like to accomplish with your dog in the next year.
Something I’d really like to work on with Rio this year is her tracking. Rio holds a really strong point and is great with fieldwork. One thing that I really want to improve this year with her is sticking to a scent trail.
5. What is your favorite upland or bird dog product on the market right now?
My favorite Bird Dog product is our Gunner Kennel. I never worry about the safety of my dog when traveling with her in her Gunner. I know she is protected, safe, and comfortable while driving to/from our many adventures. I put my full trust in her kennel to keep her at a moderate temperature, and secure for a variety of trip lengths.